Thursday, October 06, 2005

Democracy at its best

Well I have just attended the Party's conference at Blackpool, and can honestly say that the media's speculation that the conference would become a fighting ground between the leadership candidates had no substance. We have seen the 5 candidates each make their pitch with speeches and openly campaign support from party members. At no time did I hear any candidate criticise another candidate, and the campaign teams operated side-by-side . The leadership issue helped make the conference a huge success, and we ably demonstsrated our commitment to and belief in the democratic process. What a contrast to Labour's performance at their conference. On Monday I was delieghted to publicy give my support to Liam Fox by appending my name next to a letter in the Daily Telegraph. Liam did a stirling job as party Chairman and demonstrated his ability to work tirelesssly hard. (He visited 300 constituencies during his time as Chairman). He is young, yet has experience as a politican. He is deeply passionate about Britain and beleives we should NOT become a part of a United States of Europe. He has been told that he is racist because he has said that he wants to see a Union Jack flying outside every school. How can that be reacist? It isn't - it is being proud of our country. So let's hope that on December 6th we have Liam Fox as the new leader of the Conservative Party.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul
Fox for Leader, you are quite right. May the best man win. And what a great conference it was.
You have an impressive and inspiring website.
Lucy Inman, Leeds.