Tuesday, September 26, 2006

'Special' Announcement

Chester Conservatives have put together a policy proposal that could significantly increase the number of Special Constables on our streets, for very little cost.

Specials are volunteers and unlike Community Wardens, they DO have the power of arrest, so they can be very effective in tackling anti-social behaviour within local communities. Being volunteers they cannot receive payment, but under Local Government legislation they can be given a 50% discount off their Council Tax by the Local Authority.

In Cheshire we have half of the number of Specials that we had in 1997 and less than half of the number that the Police Authority want, so the Conservatives are asking the ruling Lib Dem and Labour administration to back our call to offer this discount to all successful applicants.

I'll keep you posted and in the meantime, put pressure on your local authority to do the same.

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