Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Tories 39% - Labour 29% - Lib Dems 22%

......and that's on the front page of the Guardian !!!!!!

This poll, in my view, endorses what David Cameron is doing to change the Conservative Party and is a huge vote of confidence. This is also Labour's worst poll rating since 1987, which sums up the state of the government.

I have to say though, this is no surprise. The best indicator of public opinion is to ask the public, and that is what we do in Chester week in and week out. Across all wards, there is a significant swing away from Labour and to the Conservatives - so this national poll confirms what we are being told on the doorstep.

A real test for us in Chester will be tomorrow's by-election, which is in a ward where we gained a Conservative Councillor in May 2006, after over 20 years of ward dominance by the Lib Dems. To take the second seat off the Libs will be a great result for our canddiate, Adrian Walmsley, who has worked tirelessly for his community and is therefore deserving of a victory.

It will show that in Chester we are gaining from both Labour and the Libs, and because we are the Party most in touch with public opinion in the city.

Good luck Adrian.

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