Thursday, December 15, 2005

Education - Sex before Sums !!!!

It is only a matter of weeks since Blair published his much heralded Education White Paper - with the backing of the Conservatives. Now his own Party's MPs are revolting against him and so admissions and grant maintained status are ideas that are to be watered down.

This occurs at a time when Ofsted has reported that education standards in our schools have not increased in the last 8 years, despite increases in funding. A third of 11 year olds now leave primary school with a poor grasp of the three R's.

To make matters worse, linking this to last week’s revelation - children as young as 5 will be given compulsory sex education!!!!

So what we are hearing is that the government is not bold enough to push through changes to education that will teach infants to read and write, yet they want to make sure 5 year olds understand relationships and the basics of sex. To this government sex is more important than sums.

Now this really is a government that has it's priorities wrong. It is becoming so farcical that it is almost unbelievable.

But sadly - it is true.

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