Monday, January 16, 2006

R.A.P. or C.R.A.P

So the government has launched the solution to the ills we all suffer in our comunities: the Respect Action Plan, or R.A.P. This plan is going to end anti-social behaviour, will make young people respect other people's property and the authority of parents, teachers and police. Tony Blair has said that his R.A.P. will focus on the causes of anti-social behaviour, which lie in families, in the classroom and in communities.

So how is he going to do this when all means of discipline has been removed from parents, teachers and the police. There is now no fear of the law and therefore there is no consequence of breaking the law. Yobs can quote their rights yet have no idea about responsibility.

We have had ASBOs, bans on hoodies, parenting academies, parental contracts, yobs being dragged to cash points etc etc etc: all gimmicks from a government that hasn't a clue about tackling the real causes.

When I was canvassing recently in Chester, in one road alone I heard how one resident had his garden wall knocked down 3 times in one year; another had a concrete slab thrown into his fish pond; another plants pulled out of his garden; air gun pellets fired through a window and stones thrown at pensioners windows. All of these victims are ordinary hard working law abiding people. It will take more than a govermnet gimmick to put respect back into the youths that are tearing this community apart.

Maybe Chester's MP, Christine, should append her name to the R.A.P. then locally we can refer to it as C.R.A.P.

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