Tuesday, October 18, 2005

ID Cards - Loyalty Cards

Today The House of Commons debates the third reading of the ID cards Bill, and thankfully, the Conservatives will be opposing this.

Initially we were told that the scheme would cost £3bn: on the government's track record, that means at least £30bn. But more importantly, I question how ID cards will stop the threat of terrorism; illegal immigration and crime. Are fundamentalists going to stop blowing up trains because they won't have an ID card? Of course not. But how many extra police and border control police could we get for £30bn, or even £3bn. Enough to seriously cut crime, immigration and the terorrist threat I would have thought.

During the general election, Chester's Labour MP said ID cards are no different to store loyalty cards!!!! Stop laughing, it's true, she did.

Well are they the same?
  • loyalty cards don't cost £85 - ID cards will cost at least this.
  • you won't be fined £1000 or even thrown in jail if you don't have a loyalty card - you will for not having an ID card.
  • it will never be compulsory to have a loyalty card - yet the government will not rule out making ID cards compulosry in the future.
  • you don't have to have your finger prints taken or your iris scanned to get a loyalty card - you will have to for an ID card.
  • you local store will protect the information they hold on you - no one trusts the government's intentions on what data they will collect, and how they will use it.

So there is every difference, and to think that there are Labour MPs voting in favour of the ID Card Bill based on their assumption that they are the same as a Tesco loyalty card.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps its just a desperate gesture in damage limitation?
The reason the Government wants to issue them is to try and paper over this Shambles (yes with a capital 'S') that is the current immigration system.

Lets start at the beginning: They think this'll stop terror?! What?! We do not know who is in the country that shouldn't be here. And we certainly will not be able to find and name everyone so that they can even HAVE an I.D card!

Those who wish to milk our benefits system and blow up our people on the tube have melted into the population and are here, and here now.

Whats wrong with that good ol' fashioned passport immigration type stuff where we know who you are before you get here?!
Oh yeah, its probably too right wing.

Perhaps my overall message is: Prevention is better than cure. But what a lousy 'cure' I.D. cards would be.
Like a strepsil for a septic throat.
Just a last ditch attempt to try and put on a front by this Shambolic government.

Lucy, Leeds.